Wednesday, July 21, 2010

There's a fine, fine line between being timid and being flat-out rude.

One of the biggest peeves I've developed in the last year is rudeness. I don't mean blatant, "I-am-a-huge-loudmouthed-asshole-you-couldn't-ignore-my-idiocy-if-you-tried" rudeness; obviously, that's everyone's peeve. I mean the more subtle, "you-just-said-hi-how-are-you?-but-I'm-going-to-pretend-I-didn't-hear-you" kind. I find that the brash, over-the-top people with no manners can at least provide a certain degree of entertainment value.

The Ignorers, on the other hand, are just plain frustrating.

Now, I am aware that there are shy people in the world. Obviously, I'm not one. That doesn't mean I don't understand it. Yes, social situations can be scary. Yes, eye contact is horrifying (I don't make eye contact with anyone). Small talk is awkward. And of course, people, in general probably get on your nerves. They get on mine, too. But I still talk to them.

I don't do the whole "nice weather we're having" thing. I feel that, at 21, I am too young to fall in to that tired cliche. If I don't have anything interesting to talk about, I just don't talk. I do, however, greet. "Hi, how are you?" and of course, "Have a nice night!" when you're leaving. I'm not expecting you to turn on the charm (that I am forced to in my position as Customer Service Provider). You're not getting paid to fake a smile like I am. However, it is your duty, as a Decent Human Being, to at least acknowledge my existance. I mean, a "Fine, thanks," will more than suffice. Hell, most days, I'm perfectly contented with a nod.

Now, as annoying as those trivialities with greetings are, nothing is worse than waiting on a silent customer. You ask their account number - they slide you the card. You say, "Just the one night?" they stare straight ahead. You say, "Okay, that'll be $X.XX", they hand you the money (never looking at you). "Would you like a bag?" *BLANK STARE*. "Okay... have a nice day...?"

And the VERY WORST, are those you try to engage in conversation. If someone rents a movie I saw that I really, really liked, I always throw in a recommendation. Most people are glad for it. Some aren't. Some blatantly ignore you, when you say, "Oh, *Whatever Movie* 2! I loved it, it wasn't as good as the first one, though." Annnnd nothing. The response is always nothing.

I don't think I'm asking for much; I'm just asking that you get off your high horse and give me the time of day.


  1. tehehehe.. did I ever tell you I love you & think ur awesome!? hahahhahaha ;)

  2. Hahaha, another thing that is as annoying as people who don't talk, are people who talk on their cell phone the whole time you try to wait on them.

  3. DEAR SWEET JESUS. I almost forgot about those. They make me want to punch puppies... and I fucking love puppies. That's in its own dimension of rude. It's only happened once or twice here, but at Empire/the gas station it was constant.


* Anything intentionally antagonistic or misspelled to the point it would cause an educated person pain to look at will be deleted.