Tuesday, January 18, 2011

*glove slap* I challenge you - well, actually, myself - to a duel (and by duel, I mean, let's be responsible and update the blog!)

I always try to construct what I'm saying in a coherent, neat, pretty, easy-to-follow manner, so all you lovelies can follow it with ease (also, I just found out via spellcheck that Google Chrome considers "lovelies" a word; that's kick-ass), but I've gotta say, it always makes me feel like I'm writing an essay. I think I'd update this bitch far more often if I kept it to one fairly organized, possibly list-form'd entry per month, and just let the word vomit... ew, spew*? the rest of the time.

I feel like I'm slackin', and that's one thing I must admit I'm terribly awesome at. If being a slacker were considered a professional position, it would be my full-time job and I'd be raking in the dough. Unfortunately, quite the opposite is true in life. And that's why I'm broke as a joke - I'm lazy. I really am.

But, I don't wantttttttttttt to be slacking, which is why I'm going to ease up on the heavy format of my rants and raves. I pinky-promise to post 3 times this week. As in, from today til next Tuesday. There will be 3 updates. Not one. Not even just 2. THR33. Like, not including this. What I'm typing right now is useless, and you're not even reading it. Don't lie to me!

It's go-time, fuckers. Let's see if I can do this.

PS, Twitter. Follow me. herpderp.

*that's just gross.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Screw resolutions, how about some rules for 2011?

I seriously suck at making New Year resolutions, for a number of reasons. The first being that I suck so, so much as sticking to anything, the second being that - I really don't see the point. It's only a new year because the calendar says so. It really depends on where you start counting from; my birthday was last week, I could count from there. What's happening right now may officially be "2011", but it's also "the year I was 22". The last day of 2010 was also "the year I was 22". Y'know what I mean? My point is, it's not like anything changes just because the days rolled over. I woke up and went to work Saturday morning, on New Year's Day, and it was just the same as Wednesday when I went to work in the morning.

And I went on a tangent. BACK ON TOPIC.

NYE and the days preceding and following it, #RulesFor2011 was trending on Twitter. I like that idea! So in that vein, instead of resolutions, here's some "Rules" for this New Year.

By rules, I pretty much mean wishes.

Rules to Follow in 2011
(or, Brittani's Wish-List )
Volume 1 of...? I don't know yet.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


So, I'll give you two things this week:

First, this is the picture my grandparents are getting framed copies of /easiest gift ever/ (they loves them some kitties).

Getting a picture of them together in their Christmas garb proved to be an impossible task.
And secondly - and this is terribly un-Christmassy, but a Thing nonetheless - My People You'll See in Hell article, about the McDonald's murders that happened in my town in '92. Seriously sad stuff. I wrote this for them back in October, am insanely proud of myself (a LOT of work went into it), but never got around to linking it til now. For those of you who don't know. PYSIH is on my "linkage to awesome" page, and is one of my favorite websites. It's fantastic if you like reading about criminals.

And that's all I have for you. I turn 22 next week, ew. I'll try to get something up here before then. Happy holidays, bitches!